

HF從遠在荷蘭Groningen大學宿舍打電話給我,我問他在荷蘭看世界杯應該很多樂趣? 我們在日本,以足球賽當藉口開party只到16強就結束.能在決賽隊伍的國家看冠軍賽真是前世修來福氣. 當然我也問他有沒有媒體上提的台大五姬電話? 可不可以幫表哥約一下? 很久沒有機會跟女大生喝酒,畢竟他也長大了遲早要為這家族做出貢獻! 他笑了開,跟我聊一下荷蘭風光,也相約夏天回台再喝杯啤酒. 雖然如此,聽的出來他的聲音中帶著遺憾與無力感. 我也知道台灣的醜陋面,但是要經歷這過程還是充滿痛苦與無奈.

HF從小有個超能力,他可以在時間內正確選出紙上試題答案.雖然沒什麼大不了,但是這能力讓這小子進了升學菁英管道.到了3A後,他三振掉所有打者,完封對手勝利下場,準備被叫上大聯盟. 在美國日本甚至韓國有這樣的優秀投手,早就被球探發堀後,好好保護,但是他偏偏打的是中職,不靠人情,家世,或幫忙打假球,沒有人願意多踏出一歩幫助你.只可惜當時我太天真,不知道如何打這樣醜陋球賽,沒有幫到他

08年秋天,HF找我,問我是否可以幫忙找09年暑假在外資實習機會? 08年底市場大亂,我有一萬件事煩心,沒有想太多就將這資訊傳了出去.十年一見的金融海嘯, 當時金融界內,連正職都不保的人之多,要找暑期實習機會可能不高,我提醒HF要有心理準備,當年金融界可能會沒有internship.果然我得到的回答都是大夥自身難保,無法幫忙.今年弊公司沒有請intern. 雖然過了很久之後,我才知道這都是謊言.但是我可以理解當時狀況嚴峻.

M非常好心提醒我們現在的人脈,只有在景氣好的時候可用.壞時機沒有人會伸出援手.我給你某前輩 email,他也許可以幫忙!?邪惡老闆說你如果心太軟成不了事.這種小事你一定要將之放大,由我們的head trader直接拿單子去要脅那些外資在台總經理,假球文化你不manipulate別人,無法得到你要東西,別期待fair fight. 我猶豫一下,怎麼可能自己國家訓練出來的人才沒有人要? 果然我的鄉愿造成了之後的無奈.這樣履歷連續兩年暑假在台北外資劵商找不到實習機會? 其實就算是金融海嘯隔年, 台灣的金融界內外資劵商還是有許多制度內與非制度內實習機會,但是多給了有人脈關係,或是國外大學留學學生,沒有太多機會給正常管道學生.我不覺得有什麼對錯.我以前常常聽我外公說台灣人情味重很古意,他前陣子入院開刀,一大早我去醫院看他,他對我說”現在的人很歹,你在外要小心”我因為要趕飛機,當時無法特別聊太多,到了飛機上才想到為何他會突然有這樣感觸與心境轉變? 沒想到那句話變成了他最後一次提醒我的教誨.

7 則留言:

  1. guess i was lucky. 10 years ago at M company, i was heavily involved in (summer/regular) associate & analyst hiring, and was not aware of any funny business.

  2. of course, M is a good company. but still am sure there were more foreign educated interns

  3. As a multinational, all interviews were conducted in English. I was impressed with the overall level of English proficiency of the local graduates, who incidentally made up more than 2/3 of analyst hires. All blame goes to those sinocentric pedantic ideologues who persist on pestering our over-worked high school students with inordinate demands for the study of a dead Chinese language.

    (the summer/regular associates, alas, do largely require enrollment in a top MBA program, of which not sure NTU's is one)

  4. 2/3 ? wow...would you give this guy a interview chance then?? I re-open his brief cv access. in japan, we hire 90% locally.

    > sinocentric pedantic ideologues who persist on pestering our over-worked high school students

    I like this ...

  5. cv looks good, shouldn't have problem making to the interview round at top consulting firms.

  6. which was exactly what i thought, but guess how many summer internship interviews he get from sellside in taipei? for both 09 and 10 summer... (he tried twice because of junior year study abroad )


    smthing is wrong in that industry...

  7. oh sorry, i just think of one. MS did gave him a phone interview...
